So finally I’ve taken some time to record the first part of this amazingly curious adventure through history that I came across. I’ve heard so much about Lemurians and Amazons in the past, but I never thought about them in the way I do now.
Lately, I’ve been participating in various group chats beside some highly intelligent individuals with a lot more research than me under their belt. Many healthcare practitioners, lawyers, business owners and of course my people the philosophical conspirators. The ones that keep asking all those questions that get people mad. MY people with the different mindsets - love it.
Sometimes I feel as if Modern Conspirators (MoCo if you will) do the job that the Christians are supposed to do. Growing up in the Christian faith, we are told about preaching the word and living according to the word. We are supposed to call out indecencies and live purely, however, if we are being honest with ourselves we would admit that most Christians don’t live that way.
Things will happen right in front of them and they choose to ask an external character for strength and good will for the person they’re watching get violated. The Bible speaks about prayer without action and action without prayer for situations like this. Praying and not acting to help in that situation will do you no justice. Why? Because of the Golden Rule, if you were in that situation - you would want help. So help.
This leads me to why I am starting to speak up more and share the things that I’ve found. I have questions and theories about so much going on right now that I can’t possibly address them on my own anymore. I need an #Elephantal tribe. A group of truth seekers that are ready for what comes.
People that will be able to calmly walk into the storm, and throw down when they need to. People that are comfortable speaking up about race and history and call out the Elephants int the room when nobody else will.
I need to be with like individuals that are willing to question the Bible, yet still stand firm in their belief of God - because they KNOW what God really is.
This is the age of Aquarius, the age of information and knowledge. Truth seekers unite, because you’re all welcome to this #Elephantal tribe.
With that said, this series about the Lemurians being black Amazonian Women may end up getting into a bunch of different things. There are so many directions that I can take this, because there are so many things to go over to make it all make sense. So just bare with me and hang tight.
If you have any questions or suggestions on video topics, let me KNOWWWWWW!!! Commenting on any of my IG posts will help the most BAHAHAHAHAAAA!!
Interesting video Brandon. Keep it up. A couple of tidbits of history too.
The golden rule was given to humanity not by Christianity but by Confucius in his Analects
The Olmec heads of the Mexico and the Yucatan have distinct negroid features indicating beyond cavil that the black race was in this hemisphere long before Columbus got lost. Buried under sometimes 8-10 feet of mud, these colossal heads predate the Mayan and the Aztec cultures. Lemurians? who knows/